Friendship is having brother/sister that doesn't live in the same house

About Me

Hi there,

Pleasuring yourself to find what you want to read in my cyber-world. Thank you for your visit and hope you like my very own personal pages.
I'm a socialite wannabe which is trapped in a and have no intended to move out. Some of my post may occurred harm, ads or maybe personal review, so please just accept as referring to the freedom of social-life.

First of all, let me introduce my real own self. I'm now a wife of great husband, a mother of one, a full time worker in office & a full time worker in kitchen. I work as Internet Marketing & a tremendous bad-chef, pity my hubby & kid. Basically my ability around communication, selling, management, public relation, merchandising for woman fashion, social media marketing, marketing strategy, lobby & negotiating. Very tiny ability? yeap.. I neither smart nor clever person, so please put your standard below zero before judging my write.

I have nothing to show off since I am very human being and I really DON'T LIKE SOMEONE DISGRACED ANYONE. THAT'S HUMILIATION AND INHUMANITY.

Am I clear enough?

Okay, ready to enjoy my writes ? Click the HOME button.
Oh remember don't ask me why wanted so bad to be a socialite !

Last but not least please behave in commenting. #JustKidding

Warmest regards,

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